Thursday, March 09, 2006

Debut Single

I have been practicing guitar and piano a little more recently and my fingertips are starting to wear in again. I even made some progress on completing a song I started on over a year ago. To top it off, today I found a backup of some recordings I thought I had lost and I thought I would share my favourite here. I guess you could call it a debut single because it is a public release of sorts.
I recorded it in my bedroom with the integrated microphone of my ThinkPad so studio quality, it ain't. You can even hear the constant buzz of the CPU fan. Any hi-fi or fine music lover with golden ears should avoid listening to this track. It really is quite raw.
Know Better


At 10/3/06 9:38 am, Blogger Stephane Tardif said...

Hey, its good ! I like it. You wrote the lyric ?

Like they say...


At 10/3/06 4:56 pm, Blogger d.i.y.d. said...

Thanks man. The lyrics are all mine. They always struck me as a weird combo of happy and sad but that's probably a good reflection of my moods over the weeks I wrote it.
More Cowbell?? -> google...
Well waddaya know. I think I can work in a cowbell solo near the second bridge somewhere.
Thanks for the tip.

At 10/3/06 11:09 pm, Blogger Stephane Tardif said...

More cowbell refer to an SNL Sketch

check that

Enjoy !

At 16/3/06 2:21 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah, I miss hearing you play piano and sing. I'm aiming to get my piano repaired/tuned in May, provided I get a good price for it, and then I plan to start playing more again. I miss playing; right now the piano is in such bad shape that nothing sounds quite right.


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