Monday, March 20, 2006

Obligitary Blah Post

I have spent way too much time writing my next blog entry. It's not anything special yet. Two short paragraphs in fact. It doesn't help that I am onto my fourth SG Atlantis episode of the evening.

blah blah blah


At 21/3/06 12:22 am, Blogger Stephane Tardif said...

hehe, evil addictions

is Atlantis any good ? only watched few episodes of the first season.

At 21/3/06 1:09 pm, Blogger d.i.y.d. said...

Atlantis is making for reasonable entertainment I guess. There are some truly funny moments: The comparison made between the relative scariness of the wraith and clowns. The science guy complaining about being forced to work with limited tools. "I'm not MacGyver you know."
I'm going through an extra lazy streak right now and I haven't got a big interest in TV at the moment so the alternative to watching recorded SG-A episodes back to back is just leaving the box on a random channel and watching whatever crap appears. Too lazy to get up and change channel. Too lazy to hunt around for the clicker which is missing again.

At 24/3/06 2:20 am, Blogger Javatia said... laziness any good? :p

At 25/3/06 2:12 am, Blogger d.i.y.d. said...

First response: Of course not.
Maybe lazy isn't the right word. There isn't enough time in the day to do everything I am "too lazy" to do so I guess you could call a lot of these things too low a priority instead.


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