Thursday, March 30, 2006


I have been swearing at my computer a lot today. Well not so much at my computer as at the various people and situations represented on screen. I have always carried on a healthy level(??) of conversation with my PC. I have never been coy about letting it know the extent of my anger when it is outright misbehaving though I have never actually damaged it, that would be wrong. I tell a lie. I have damaged several of my PCs over the years but usually not in anger.

I guess everyone at the office is used to me or something because noone seems to notice me alternating between babbling at and cursing my workstation but I worked from home today and Robyn was regularly checking to see if I had perhaps stubbed my toe or lost the family fortune in a game of bingo.

I'm fine. It's these ####ing ####heads from ###kerville. They interrupt a perfectly good nap just to make unreasonable damands for assistance with messups that are not my fault nor my responsibility. ahem


At 31/3/06 12:21 am, Blogger Javatia said...

Good naps are rare to come by and should never be interrupted.

At 4/4/06 3:54 pm, Blogger Stephane Tardif said...


I always said... talk to your machine like you talk to your girlfriend and you'll never have any problems (except if you're a real batard)

Up untill now... I always had what I wanted from my machine ;)

Some people can't be considered to be users, the term "clueless idiots" would be more suitable. But, like the cop and the criminal, some jobs need their counterpart.

There is you, and there is them :P


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